NSS Fireworks Logo

Cold Sparkler

Danger class : 1.4G
Age restriction : F1
Sound level : 1/10

Metallic-coated gray sparkler, the only cold sparkler by NSS

NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler
NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler NSS Cold Sparkler



0.6x20 cm




2 gr

NSS Cold Sparkler

Execution time

35 sec

Launch height

30 cm

Number in the box

200 bags

Safety tips and usage instructions

How to use

  1. Please read the safety tips and instructions for use inside the label before using the product
  2. Hold the product from the red needle-shaped part at the end or place it diagonally on the cake
  3. Please ensure that the tip of the product is facing upwards
  4. Ignite the tip of the product from the white-colored part
  5. Place a lighter or match on the product for a few seconds until the sparkler ignites

Safety tips

  • Store in a cool, dry place on a pallet
  • Avoid storing and tampering with materials
  • Avoid flammable objects around the product
  • It is recommended that the product be installed on the cake in such a way that the sparks do not come into contact with the cake
How to use NSS Cold Sparkler

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